Natural Microblading for Cancer Survivors

Having to experience cancer is one of the most brutal battles that many people will face in their lifetime. Chemotherapy treatments are known for causing hair loss. However, a new cosmetic procedure known as microblading is one of the most successful ways to recreate a natural-looking eyebrow. This is why cancer survivors typically opt to get microblading done on them. 

Microblading for cancer patients is the same procedure used on anyone else getting their eyebrows microbladed. It is a semi-permanent brow tattoo done using a tool dipped into the pigment to match your natural hair colour. The blade is very thin, and it is used to create many hair-like strokes which mimic natural eyebrow hairs once they are healed. Microbladed eyebrows will last up to 2 years. 

Microblading is typically done in two sessions, so you will need to go for a touch-up once the eyebrows have fully healed, which usually takes place 6 to 8 weeks after the first appointment. So you should keep this in mind if you choose to go for a microblade treatment and if you will get microblading done before or after your chemotherapy. 

Are all cancer patients good candidates for microblading?

Many cancer survivors are good candidates to get microblading; however, you will need to get your doctor's approval before getting the treatment done.

When should I get microblading done?

Many patients wonder when the right time to get microblading is, whether that be before or after chemotherapy treatment. 

Getting microblading done before chemotherapy

It is an option to have microblading done before or after chemotherapy treatments. Some patients prefer to get microblading done before they start their chemotherapy. This makes it much easier for them to handle eyebrow hair loss since it won't even be noticeable. 

If you decide to go through microblading treatment before your chemo, you should keep in mind that you will need to get your touch-up 6 to 8 weeks later. Your eyebrows will also need time to heal after the touch-up is complete. This can take up to two weeks. 

You should get your eyebrows done two months before chemotherapy treatment. If you get microblading two weeks or less before chemo, the therapy may affect your ink retention. Your touch-up will also need to wait until you are finished with therapy. 

Not every single cancer patient is the same. Different cancers will not react to the microblading similarly. The best thing you can do is check in with your doctor to see if it is safe to get your eyebrows microbladed.

If you’re searching for natural microblading for cancer survivors, I would be happy to answer any questions you have. I love helping others achieve eyebrows that they’re happy with and building confidence for both men and women using microblading. Eyebrows are an expressive and important aspect of your facial appearance and non-verbal communication. You can create a natural, vibrant look that is long-lasting and impactful. Take a look at our before and after photos, and get in touch with us at to discuss or schedule a consultation.

Before and After Natural Microblading:


Microblading Training – How to Get Certified


Microblading Course– Becoming a Microblading Artist Anytime